Summer Intensive Program

At this time, we are no longer accepting applications for the Summer Intensive Program. 

The goal of the Summer Intensive Arabic Program at the University of Arizona is to provide an immersive learning experience that deepens students’ proficiency in the Arabic language and expands their understanding of the Arab culture.

The University of Arizona serves a variety of students and programs combined into one summer intensive program which consists of daily morning classes followed by an afternoon guided and personalized learning. A series of cultural activities provide experiential learning and added Arabic immersion. The activities highlight various cultural aspects of the Arabic-speaking world in general. 

  • For high school students and incoming University of Arizona freshmen, please apply to the Arabic Jumpstart program
  • For non-Flagship University of Arizona students and non-University of Arizona students, please apply to the Summer Intensive Program

Summer Program Schedule

Below are the activities that will be mandatory for all Summer Arabic program participants, including Jumpstart. 

Daily Schedule

8:30am to 3:30pm (AZ Time) 

  • Classes: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm (AZ time) 
  • Lunch Break: 12:30 to 1:00pm (AZ time) 
  • Office hours/Study Hall: Monday to Friday, 1:00 to 3:30pm (AZ time) 

Cultural Program

The cultural program will be divided into three main areas: dardasha events, cultural activities, and films. Dardasha events take place every Wednesday, while cultural activities and films take place on Fridays on an alternating basis. 

How to Apply

  • All Flagship students wishing to participate in the Summer Intensive Program must complete the Flagship Summer Application online. Dates will be determined
  • Once you have completed the Flagship Summer application and have been accepted into the summer program, please go to 
  • Log-in with your UA NetID and password 
  • Select the Student Center 
  • There you will be able to enroll in ARB Summer Sessions I & II 

Courses Offered

Session I 

  • Elementary Arabic I (ARB101) 
  • Intermediate Arabic I (ARB401) 
  • Advanced Arabic I (ARB405) 

Session II 

  • Elementary Arabic II (ARB102) 
  • Intermediate Arabic II (ARB402) 
  • Advanced Arabic II (ARB406)