About the Arabic Jumpstart Program

Arabic Jumpstart Program

The Jumpstart Summer Program is a funded summer Arabic program for high school students entering the University of Arizona.

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The University of Arizona Arabic Jumpstart Program allows incoming University of Arizona freshmen who have committed to the Arabic Flagship Program to take intensive Arabic summer courses for college credit at a reduced tuition rate and with scholarship support. The program includes a diverse range of activities that boost students' knowledge of the Arabic language and Arab cultures.

Program Benefits

  • Earn 5-10 college credits in just 5-10 weeks at the University of Arizona with one of the top Arabic programs in the U.S.
  • Qualify for the elite University of Arizona Arabic Flagship Program, one of only six in the United States.
  • Enjoy a variety of educational and fun-filled cultural activities throughout the program.
  • Benefit from a special high-school student reduced tuition rate and additional scholarships.
  • Enjoy mentoring and tutoring specifically for Jumpstart high school students to ensure success.

See Program Information