Federico David Guajardo
What job or path of study did you pursue after graduating from the Arabic Flagship program?
After graduating from the Arabic Capstone program, I went on to become a coordinator working at the University of Arizona’s Study Abroad Office. There I helped other students find Study Abroad experiences and share in the experience that I had during my Study Abroad program. Shortly thereafter, I worked within the same unit at the University of Arizona, as an Enrollment Counselor and Coordinator for International Education, assisting international students in gaining admission to the University, ensuring their academic success, and working with international partners and their students toward those goals. During this time, I began my Master’s of Public Administration, where I am gaining the skills I will need to work in the public or non-profit sector. Most recently, I began work as the International Risk Analyst for the University, assisting the Director of International Travel with the oversight of the health, safety, and security of University travelers abroad.
Has your Arabic Flagship experience helped you in any specific or surprising ways throughout your career?
My experience in the Arabic Flagship granted me invaluable skills I have used throughout my career. With the linguistic, cultural, geopolitical, and historical insights I gained during my program, I have been able to contribute to my organization and increase my area of responsibility. These skills have left me well suited to work in the international arena by facilitating communication with non-English speakers in their native language in a culturally appropriate manner and identification of risks, considerations, and best practices for University travelers. My knowledge of Arabic has also allowed me to find information where other’s would be unable. Overall, these skills have given me a competitive edge in the job market by supplementing my level education and experience.
Do you have a favorite memory from the Capstone Program? What is your lasting impression of the Capstone Program?
Everything is my favorite memory from Morocco. It was a difficult experience but very enriching. I can think of plenty of times where I had the most unique experience I’ve ever had in my life. One memory that comes to mind is exploring the waterfalls and nature of Ouzoud, I think it’s one of the most magical places I’ve ever been. My lasting impression of the program was that it was lifechanging, I can’t quite describe how impactful my experience was, in nearly every way.
What advice would you give to current Capstone students?
Enjoy it! Soak it all in! Live! Take advantage of every minute you have in Morocco, because you may never be able to go back. Beyond that, take opportunities that come your way to do something that makes you uncomfortable (not unsafe) and learn what that experience has to teach you. Finally, take the good with the bad, no place is perfect, don’t let the hardships blind you to the good.